PK2Map.php documentation


public const MAP_WIDTH = 256;

public const MAP_HEIGHT = 224;



public function load($filename, $load_foreground = false, $load_background = false, $load_sprites = false);

This function loads the file.



Name of the map file to load.


Load the foreground tiles? This is unessecary most of the time, thus it's false by default.


Same as above, but for the background tiles.


Same as above, but for the sprite indexes.

Note: fore, back, and the sprite layers aren't fully implemented yet.

public function getTileset();

Returns the name of the tileset file.

public function getBackground();

Returns the name of the background file.

public function getMusic();

Returns the name of the music file.

public function getAuthor();

Returns the name of the Author of this map.

public function getMapName();

Returns the name of the map. This is displayed on the overworld map.

public function getLevelNumber();

Returns the number of the level, in the current episode.

public function getPlayerSprite();

Returns an index to the prototype list, to indicate which sprite is the player sprite.

public function getPrototypeList();

Returns the list of sprite files used in the level.

public function getPrototypeAmount();

Returns the amount of sprite files used in the level.

public function getMapX();

Returns the X position of the level on the overworld map.

public function getMapY();

Returns the Y position of the level on the overworld map.

public function getIcon();

Returns the index/number of the icon, that's shown on the overworld map, for this level.

public function getWeather();

Returns an index to the weather list.

public function getWeatherAsString();

Returns the weather as a string. (If weather is 1, for example, this would return "Rain")

public function getScrolling();

Returns the scrolling type of this level, as an index/number.

public function getScrollingAsString();

Returns the scrolling type as a string.

public function getTime();

Returns the time limit of the level, in seconds.